Oslo to Get a Second Floating Sauna

Credit: Flickr / leifbr / CC BY-ND 2.0
The capital city of Norway is known for being famous for its Viking history and Viking Ship Museum. But besides all the cultural and historic attractions of the city, the recent man-made wonders are catching the eye of the tourists visiting the city from all over the world.
Not only is the city of Oslo is host to the first floating sauna, but they now have plans of expanding and constructing the second floating sauna as well. Talk about being innovative! Anchored at Sorenga in the centre of Oslo, the first floating sauna has become a popular attraction since its construction in 2015.

A part of the project of the Sorenga Badstu og Helarsbad, or the Sorenga Sauna and Year-Round Swimming Association, the second sauna is an extension to the first and will supplement the existing floating facility as well. Recently the association received a grant of one million kroner over 103,000 euros from the DNB Savings Bank Foundation, which has sped up the work for a new creation.

Accepted from over 57 submissions, architecture students Stian Fommestad and Edvard Glazebrook are the creators behind the future of the new and much larger raft, which is said to have enabled sauna and bathing facilities all year round. The new facility is based on 30 X 30 beams which are said to have reduced the construction time, and should also be up in the near future.
If not the second, at least visit the first floating sauna in Oslo by grabbing your flight tickets to today for a totally different zen-experience!
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